Born Blind
John 9:1-41
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John 9:1-41 tells the powerful story of Jesus healing a man born blind, revealing the deeper reality of spiritual awakening and the light in darkness that Christ brings. The disciples initially assume the man’s blindness is due to sin, but Jesus corrects them, explaining that his condition serves to display God’s glory. By healing the man with mud and washing, Jesus not only restores his physical sight but also leads him to a journey of faith and obedience, progressively recognizing Jesus as the Son of God.
The story also highlights the contrast between physical and spiritual blindness. While the healed man comes to faith, the Pharisees, despite their religious knowledge, remain blind to Jesus’ identity. Their rejection of the truth emphasizes the need for transformation in Christ to truly see. The healed man’s bold testimony and witness stand as a challenge to those who reject Jesus, affirming that belief in Christ brings true sight and salvation. This passage calls believers to examine their hearts and step into the fullness of Christ’s light, overcoming spiritual blindness through faith.