Conduct Yourselves with Reverence
1 Peter 1:17-21
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1 Peter 1:17-21 calls believers to live in reverent fear of the Lord, recognizing that their redemption was not purchased with perishable things like silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ. This passage emphasizes the redemption through Christ, who was chosen before the foundation of the world as part of God's eternal plan. It reminds believers that their faith and hope should be firmly placed in God, who raised Christ from the dead and glorified Him.
Peter encourages believers to embrace righteous living, understanding that they have been called out of an empty way of life inherited from their ancestors and into a new identity in Christ. This passage highlights God's mercy and His desire for His people to walk in holiness and gratitude for the costly sacrifice made on their behalf. Ultimately, it serves as a reminder that their hope is secure in God’s redemptive plan, which was fulfilled through Jesus Christ.