
Corrupt Generation


Acts 2:36-41

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Acts 2:36-41 marks the climax of Peter’s sermon at Pentecost, where he declares that God has made Jesus both Lord and Messiah, affirming His divine authority. The crowd, deeply convicted by the message, asks, “What shall we do?” Peter responds with a call to repentance and baptism, urging them to turn from their sins and embrace new life in Christ. This passage emphasizes the necessity of a heartfelt response to the gospel, highlighting the promise of forgiveness of sins and the reception of the Holy Spirit for all who believe.

Peter assures that the promise of salvation is for all generations—both Jews and Gentiles—demonstrating God’s inclusive plan for redemption. Those who accepted the message were baptized, and thousands were added to the faith that day, marking the beginning of the early church’s growth. This passage underscores the transformative power of the gospel, calling people to respond with faith and belief, embracing God's grace and entering into a renewed relationship with Him.