A design inspired by Matthew 27:11-54, depicting Christ’s sacrifice, the fulfillment of prophecy, and the redemptive power of the cross, highlighting salvation, justice, and God’s ultimate plan for humanity.

Crucify Him!

Matthew 27:11-54 details
A design inspired by Acts 2:14-33, illustrating the fulfillment of prophecy through Christ’s resurrection, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the call to witness and proclaim Jesus as Lord and Messiah.

You Crucified Him

Acts 2:14-33 details
A design inspired by Isaiah 8:23–9:3, highlighting God’s promise to bring light into darkness, freedom from oppression, and joy through His faithful and redemptive plan.

A Light has Shone

Isaiah 8:23–9:3 details
A design inspired by Matthew 4:12-23, illustrating Jesus as the light in darkness, the fulfillment of prophecy, and the calling of His first disciples to join in spreading the hope and renewal of God’s kingdom.

Fishers of Men

Matthew 4:12-23 details