A design inspired by 1 Samuel 16:1-13, illustrating God’s sovereign choice of David, the importance of inner character over outward appearance, and the empowerment of God’s Spirit for His divine purposes.

The Lord Chose His King

1 Samuel 16:1-13 details
A design inspired by Exodus 19:2-6, illustrating God’s covenant with His chosen people, their divine calling as a kingdom of priests, and the sacred relationship formed through obedience and trust in Him.

Bore You Up on Eagle's Wings

Exodus 19:2-6 details
A design inspired by Matthew 10:26-33, illustrating fearlessness in faith, God’s protection over His people, and the call to boldly confess Christ, trusting in His care and eternal promise.

Fear No One

Matthew 10:26-33 details
A design inspired by Isaiah 55:10-11, illustrating the power and certainty of God’s word, bringing spiritual nourishment, fulfillment of His promises, and renewal to all who receive it.

Do My Will

Isaiah 55:10-11 details
A design inspired by Matthew 13:24-43, illustrating the Parable of the Weeds, the patience of God’s judgment, the unstoppable growth of the Kingdom of Heaven, and the promise of reward for the righteous.

Wicked Will be Cast Away

Matthew 13:24-43 details
A design inspired by Romans 8:28-30, illustrating God’s purpose and calling, the assurance of His sovereignty, and the believer’s journey from justification to glorification in Christ.

He Also Glorified

Romans 8:28-30 details
A design inspired by Romans 11:29-32, illustrating God’s mercy, His unchanging calling, and the inclusion of all nations in His sovereign plan of redemption and grace.

Mercy to the Disobedient

Romans 11:29-32 details
A contemplative piece reflecting Matthew 2:1-12, portraying the Magi's diligent quest for the newborn King, symbolizing the pursuit of divine truth.

Search Diligently

Matthew 2:1-12 details