A design inspired by John 14:15-21, illustrating the promise of the Holy Spirit, the call to love and obedience, and the hope of an abiding relationship with Christ and the Father.

Observe His Commandments

John 14:15-21 details
A design inspired by Acts 1:1-11, depicting the ascension of Christ, the promise of the Holy Spirit, and the call to be witnesses of God’s Kingdom to all nations with hope and assurance of His return.

A Cloud Took Him

Acts 1:1-11 details
A design inspired by Romans 5:6-11, illustrating Christ’s sacrifice, the depth of God’s love, and the assurance of salvation and reconciliation through grace.

Saved by His Life

Romans 5:6-11 details
A design inspired by Romans 8:28-30, illustrating God’s purpose and calling, the assurance of His sovereignty, and the believer’s journey from justification to glorification in Christ.

He Also Glorified

Romans 8:28-30 details