A design inspired by Exodus 17:3-7, illustrating God’s provision of water in the wilderness, His faithfulness amid human doubt, and the call to trust Him through trials and hardships.

Thirst for Water

Exodus 17:3-7 details
A design inspired by John 14:1-12, illustrating Jesus as the way, truth, and life, offering hope, divine revelation, and the promise of eternal life to those who trust in Him.

I am the Way

John 14:1-12 details
A design inspired by Jeremiah 20:10-13, illustrating trust in God amidst persecution, His role as a mighty defender, and the assurance of divine justice and deliverance.

Praise the Lord

Jeremiah 20:10-13 details
A design inspired by Isaiah 7:10-14, depicting the prophecy of Immanuel as a sign of God’s faithfulness and the promise of hope, renewal, and salvation through the coming Messiah.

Sign from the Lord

Isaiah 7:10-14 details
A design inspired by Matthew 1:18-24, illustrating the fulfillment of prophecy through Jesus’ birth, the call to trust in God’s plan, and the hope brought by Emmanuel—God with us.

Joseph Awoke

Matthew 1:18-24 details