Blessed are Those Who have not seen
John 20:19-31
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John 20:19-31 recounts Jesus' appearance to His disciples after the resurrection, offering them peace and assurance in the midst of their fear. Jesus greets them with “Peace be with you,” signifying the restoration of their hope and the beginning of their mission. He breathes on them, imparting the power of the Holy Spirit to equip them for the work ahead. This passage highlights how Christ’s presence brings hope and renewal, transforming fear into boldness and doubt into unwavering faith.
The passage also focuses on Thomas, who initially doubts the resurrection until he encounters the risen Christ. Jesus invites Thomas to touch His wounds, leading to Thomas’ profound declaration, “My Lord and my God.” This moment emphasizes the tension between doubt and assurance, showing that faith is not only about seeing but about trusting in God’s promises. Jesus blesses those who believe without seeing, reinforcing the call to faith and belief that extends to all generations. The passage concludes with the purpose of the Gospel—to inspire belief in Jesus as the Son of God and to offer eternal life through His name.