A design inspired by Matthew 17:1-9, capturing the Transfiguration of Jesus, the revelation of His divine glory, and the call to listen and follow Him in obedience and hope.

Jesus Transfiguration

Matthew 17:1-9 details
A design inspired by 2 Timothy 1:8-10, reflecting God’s grace and purpose, encouraging believers to stand boldly in faith, endure hardship, and trust in the salvation and eternal life given through Christ.

He Saved Us

2 Timothy 1:8-10 details
A design inspired by Exodus 17:3-7, illustrating God’s provision of water in the wilderness, His faithfulness amid human doubt, and the call to trust Him through trials and hardships.

Thirst for Water

Exodus 17:3-7 details
A design inspired by John 4:5-42, depicting Jesus as the giver of living water, breaking cultural barriers, and offering spiritual awakening, grace, and renewal through a personal relationship with Him.

The Cistern is Deep

John 4:5-42 details
A design inspired by Romans 5:1-8, illustrating justification by faith, peace with God, and the enduring hope and love found through God’s grace and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Justified by Faith

Romans 5:1-8 details
A design inspired by 1 Samuel 16:1-13, illustrating God’s sovereign choice of David, the importance of inner character over outward appearance, and the empowerment of God’s Spirit for His divine purposes.

The Lord Chose His King

1 Samuel 16:1-13 details
A design inspired by Ephesians 5:8-14, emphasizing the transformation from darkness to light, the call to righteous living, and the spiritual awakening that leads to reflecting God's glory in daily life.

Awake, O Sleeper

Ephesians 5:8-14 details
A design inspired by Romans 8:8-11, focusing on the power of the Holy Spirit to bring life, freedom from sin, and the hope of resurrection through God’s transformative presence.

Not in the Flesh

Romans 8:8-11 details
A design inspired by Ezekiel 37:12-14, illustrating God’s promise of restoration, the renewal of life through His Spirit, and the assurance of hope and faithfulness in His divine plan.

Open Your Graves

Ezekiel 37:12-14 details
A design inspired by John 11:1-45, illustrating Jesus as the resurrection and the life, His power over death, and the call to faith and hope in God’s perfect timing and glory.

Lazarus, Come Out

John 11:1-45 details
A design inspired by John 20:1-9, highlighting the discovery of the empty tomb, the resurrection of Christ, and the call to faith and belief in God's transformative power and fulfillment of His promises.

He Had to Rise from the Dead

John 20:1-9 details
A design inspired by Acts 10:34-43, illustrating God’s impartial salvation through Christ, the resurrection’s transformative power, and the call to witness and proclaim forgiveness to all nations.

God Raised Him

Acts 10:34-43 details
A design inspired by John 20:19-31, illustrating the peace and renewal brought by Christ’s resurrection, the transformation of doubt into faith, and the call to believe and testify through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Blessed are Those Who have not seen

John 20:19-31 details
A design inspired by Luke 24:13-35, depicting the journey to Emmaus, the disciples’ recognition of Christ through the breaking of bread, and the hope and renewal found in His divine revelation.

Road to Emmaus

Luke 24:13-35 details
A design inspired by Acts 2:14-33, illustrating the fulfillment of prophecy through Christ’s resurrection, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the call to witness and proclaim Jesus as Lord and Messiah.

You Crucified Him

Acts 2:14-33 details
A design inspired by Zechariah 9:9-10, illustrating the humble and victorious Messiah, the joy of salvation, and the promise of God’s kingdom bringing peace and renewal to all nations.

The Ends of the Earth

Zechariah 9:9-10 details
A design inspired by Isaiah 55:10-11, illustrating the power and certainty of God’s word, bringing spiritual nourishment, fulfillment of His promises, and renewal to all who receive it.

Do My Will

Isaiah 55:10-11 details
A design inspired by Romans 8:18-23, illustrating the contrast between present suffering and future glory, the groaning of creation for redemption, and the hope of renewal through God’s promise.

Sufferings of this Present Time

Romans 8:18-23 details
A design inspired by Isaiah 11:1-10, illustrating the promised Messiah bringing peace, justice, and unity to all creation under God's righteous rule.

Glorious Dwelling

Isaiah 11:1-10 details
A design inspired by Matthew 11:2-11, illustrating Jesus’ fulfillment of prophecy and the coming of God’s kingdom, offering hope, encouragement, and a call to steadfast faith during trials.

More than a Prophet

Matthew 11:2-11 details
A design inspired by Isaiah 35:1-6, celebrating God’s promise of joyful restoration, healing, and the transformation of creation as signs of His glory and coming kingdom.

He Comes to Save

Isaiah 35:1-6, 10 details
A design inspired by Matthew 1:18-24, illustrating the fulfillment of prophecy through Jesus’ birth, the call to trust in God’s plan, and the hope brought by Emmanuel—God with us.

Joseph Awoke

Matthew 1:18-24 details
A design inspired by Isaiah 7:10-14, depicting the prophecy of Immanuel as a sign of God’s faithfulness and the promise of hope, renewal, and salvation through the coming Messiah.

Sign from the Lord

Isaiah 7:10-14 details
A design inspired by Isaiah 62:11-12, celebrating God’s promise of salvation, the joyful restoration of His people, and the hope found in being redeemed and called by God’s name.

Your Savior Comes

Isaiah 62:11-12 details
A design inspired by Luke 2:15-20, celebrating the shepherds' joyful response to Jesus’ birth, the fulfillment of God’s promises, and the glory of God revealed through worship and praise.

All Who Heard it were Amazed

Luke 2:15-20 details
A design inspired by Luke 2:16-21, celebrating the shepherds’ joyful response to Jesus’ birth, God’s faithfulness in fulfilling His promises, and the hope and renewal found in Christ.

Mary Kept All

Luke 2:16-21 details
A design inspired by Numbers 6:22-27, reflecting God’s blessing of protection, grace, and peace, offering hope and spiritual encouragement through His abiding presence.

Give you Peace!

Numbers 6:22-27 details
A design inspired by Galatians 4:4-7, celebrating God’s grace through Jesus, the freedom of being adopted into God’s family, and the hope of inheriting His eternal kingdom.

Also an Heir

Galatians 4:4-7 details
A design inspired by Isaiah 8:23–9:3, highlighting God’s promise to bring light into darkness, freedom from oppression, and joy through His faithful and redemptive plan.

A Light has Shone

Isaiah 8:23–9:3 details
A design inspired by Matthew 4:12-23, illustrating Jesus as the light in darkness, the fulfillment of prophecy, and the calling of His first disciples to join in spreading the hope and renewal of God’s kingdom.

Fishers of Men

Matthew 4:12-23 details
A design inspired by Zephaniah 2:3, emphasizing the call to seek God with humility and righteousness, offering hope and divine protection in the face of His coming judgment.

Seek the Lord

Zephaniah 2:3 details
A design inspired by Matthew 5:1-12, highlighting the blessings of humility, righteousness, and endurance, and the hope and renewal found in living according to the values of God’s kingdom.

Blessed are Those (The Beatitudes)

Matthew 5:1-12 details
A design inspired by Isaiah 58:7-10, highlighting the call to compassion, justice, and selfless service, reflecting God’s light and experiencing His blessing through righteous living.

Satisfy the Afflicted

Isaiah 58:7-10 details
A design inspired by 1 Corinthians 2:6-10, highlighting God’s hidden wisdom, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the divine revelation of God’s glorious plan prepared for those who love Him.

Holy Wisdom

1 Corinthians 2:6-10 details