He Had to Rise from the Dead
John 20:1-9
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John 20:1-9 recounts the discovery of the empty tomb by Mary Magdalene and the disciples, marking the pivotal moment of Jesus' resurrection. Arriving early in the morning, Mary finds the stone rolled away, leading Peter and John to investigate. Their discovery of the empty tomb, with the burial cloths left behind, serves as a powerful sign of God’s power and the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise of rising from the dead. This moment brings both confusion and awe, prompting a journey from doubt to faith and belief.
Though they did not yet fully understand the fulfillment of Scripture, the empty tomb stands as a symbol of hope and renewal, signifying that death has been conquered and God's redemptive plan is unfolding. The passage invites believers to trust in the unseen and embrace the transformative reality of Christ’s resurrection. It marks the beginning of a new era in which faith is not just about seeing, but about believing in the power of the risen Christ.