A design inspired by John 20:1-9, highlighting the discovery of the empty tomb, the resurrection of Christ, and the call to faith and belief in God's transformative power and fulfillment of His promises.

He Had to Rise from the Dead

John 20:1-9 details
A design inspired by Romans 15:4-9, emphasizing endurance, unity in Christ, and God’s mercy, calling all nations to glorify God together in hope and praise.

Accept One Another

Romans 15:4-9 details
A design inspired by Isaiah 7:10-14, depicting the prophecy of Immanuel as a sign of God’s faithfulness and the promise of hope, renewal, and salvation through the coming Messiah.

Sign from the Lord

Isaiah 7:10-14 details
A design inspired by Romans 1:1-7, focusing on the fulfillment of God’s promise through Jesus Christ, the calling to faith and obedience, and the grace extended to all believers in God’s redemptive plan.

Slave of Christ Jesus

Romans 1:1-7 details
A design inspired by Matthew 1:18-24, illustrating the fulfillment of prophecy through Jesus’ birth, the call to trust in God’s plan, and the hope brought by Emmanuel—God with us.

Joseph Awoke

Matthew 1:18-24 details
A design inspired by Luke 2:15-20, celebrating the shepherds' joyful response to Jesus’ birth, the fulfillment of God’s promises, and the glory of God revealed through worship and praise.

All Who Heard it were Amazed

Luke 2:15-20 details
A design inspired by Luke 2:16-21, celebrating the shepherds’ joyful response to Jesus’ birth, God’s faithfulness in fulfilling His promises, and the hope and renewal found in Christ.

Mary Kept All

Luke 2:16-21 details
A design inspired by Galatians 4:4-7, celebrating God’s grace through Jesus, the freedom of being adopted into God’s family, and the hope of inheriting His eternal kingdom.

Also an Heir

Galatians 4:4-7 details
A design inspired by Matthew 5:17-37, focusing on Jesus' fulfillment of God’s Law, the call to heart transformation, and the pursuit of righteous living through spiritual integrity and obedience to God.

Fulfilling the Law

Matthew 5:17-37 details