
Why Did You Doubt


Matthew 14:22-33

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Matthew 14:22-33 recounts the dramatic moment when Jesus walks on water toward His disciples, who are struggling against strong winds in their boat. At first, they are terrified, thinking they see a ghost, but Jesus reassures them, saying, “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.” This passage highlights trust in Christ—recognizing His presence even in the midst of life’s storms.

Peter, full of courage, steps out of the boat to walk toward Jesus, but when he sees the wind and waves, fear overtakes him, and he begins to sink. Jesus immediately reaches out to save him, questioning, “Why did you doubt?” This moment illustrates the struggle between faith and doubt—Peter succeeds when he focuses on Jesus but falters when he is distracted by fear. The disciples respond by worshiping Jesus, declaring, “Truly you are the Son of God.” This passage encourages believers to trust in God’s presence in storms, knowing that He has the power to sustain and rescue them.