A design inspired by 2 Corinthians 13:11-13, illustrating the call to peace, unity, and joy, highlighting the grace of Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit in the life of believers.

Mend Your Ways

2 Corinthians 13:11-13 details
A design inspired by Exodus 34:4-9, illustrating God’s mercy, grace, and faithfulness revealed to Moses, highlighting divine forgiveness, covenant renewal, and the call to humility before God.

Pardon Our Wickedness and Sins

Exodus 34:4-9 details
A design inspired by John 3:16-18, illustrating God’s love, the gift of salvation through Christ, and the call to faith, offering eternal life and redemption to all who believe.

Already Been Condemned

John 3:16-18 details
A design inspired by 1 Corinthians 10:16-17, illustrating the sacred participation in Christ’s body and blood, emphasizing unity, spiritual fellowship, and the shared identity of believers in communion with Him.

The One Loaf

1 Corinthians 10:16-17 details
A design inspired by Deuteronomy 8:2-3, illustrating God’s provision, the call to humility and dependence on Him, and the importance of living by His word as the true source of life.

Not by Bread Alone

Deuteronomy 8:2-3 details
A design inspired by John 6:51-58, illustrating Jesus as the Bread of Life, emphasizing communion with Him, spiritual nourishment, and the promise of eternal life through faith in His sacrifice.

Amen, Amen, I Say to You

John 6:51-58 details
A design inspired by Exodus 19:2-6, illustrating God’s covenant with His chosen people, their divine calling as a kingdom of priests, and the sacred relationship formed through obedience and trust in Him.

Bore You Up on Eagle's Wings

Exodus 19:2-6 details
A design inspired by Romans 5:6-11, illustrating Christ’s sacrifice, the depth of God’s love, and the assurance of salvation and reconciliation through grace.

Saved by His Life

Romans 5:6-11 details
A design inspired by Matthew 9:36, illustrating Jesus’ deep compassion for the lost, His role as the Good Shepherd, and the call to extend God’s mercy and care to those in need.

Troubled and Abandoned

Matthew 9:36 details
A design inspired by Jeremiah 20:10-13, illustrating trust in God amidst persecution, His role as a mighty defender, and the assurance of divine justice and deliverance.

Praise the Lord

Jeremiah 20:10-13 details
A design inspired by Matthew 10:26-33, illustrating fearlessness in faith, God’s protection over His people, and the call to boldly confess Christ, trusting in His care and eternal promise.

Fear No One

Matthew 10:26-33 details
A design inspired by Romans 5:12-15, illustrating the contrast between Adam’s sin and Christ’s redemption, highlighting God’s grace, salvation, and the gift of eternal life through Jesus.

Sin Entered the World

Romans 5:12-15 details
A design inspired by Matthew 10:37-42, illustrating the call to wholehearted discipleship, sacrificial love for Christ, and the promise of reward for faithful service and hospitality.

Not Worthy of Me

Matthew 10:37-42 details
A design inspired by Romans 6:8-11, illustrating the believer’s death to sin and new life in Christ, celebrating the power of His resurrection and the promise of eternal life.

Dead to Sin

Romans 6:8-11 details
A design inspired by 2 Kings 4:8-16, illustrating the Shunammite woman’s hospitality, God’s unexpected blessing, and the theme of divine provision and faithfulness in response to generosity.

Hospitality and Kindness

2 Kings 4:8-16 details
A design inspired by Matthew 11:25-30, illustrating Jesus’ invitation to find rest in Him, the revelation of divine wisdom to the humble, and the peace that comes from following His gentle leadership.

Learn from Me

Matthew 11:25-30 details
A design inspired by Romans 8:9-13, illustrating life in the Spirit, the transformation from sin to righteousness, and the victory and eternal life found in obedience to God.

Spirit of Christ

Romans 8:9-13 details
A design inspired by Zechariah 9:9-10, illustrating the humble and victorious Messiah, the joy of salvation, and the promise of God’s kingdom bringing peace and renewal to all nations.

The Ends of the Earth

Zechariah 9:9-10 details
A design inspired by Isaiah 55:10-11, illustrating the power and certainty of God’s word, bringing spiritual nourishment, fulfillment of His promises, and renewal to all who receive it.

Do My Will

Isaiah 55:10-11 details
A design inspired by Romans 8:18-23, illustrating the contrast between present suffering and future glory, the groaning of creation for redemption, and the hope of renewal through God’s promise.

Sufferings of this Present Time

Romans 8:18-23 details
A design inspired by Matthew 13:1-23, illustrating the Parable of the Sower, the different responses to God’s Word, and the call to cultivate a fruitful and understanding heart for the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Sower

Matthew 13:1-23 details
A design inspired by Wisdom 12:13-19, illustrating God’s mercy, justice, and patience, emphasizing His righteous rule, the invitation to repentance, and the hope found in His compassionate guidance.

Permit Repentance

Wisdom 12:13-19 details
A design inspired by Romans 8:26-27, illustrating the Holy Spirit’s intercession, divine help in times of weakness, and the assurance that God aligns believers’ prayers with His perfect will.

The Aid of Our Weakness

Romans 8:26-27 details
A design inspired by Matthew 13:24-43, illustrating the Parable of the Weeds, the patience of God’s judgment, the unstoppable growth of the Kingdom of Heaven, and the promise of reward for the righteous.

Wicked Will be Cast Away

Matthew 13:24-43 details
A design inspired by Matthew 13:44-52, illustrating the priceless worth of the Kingdom of Heaven, the joy of seeking God first, and the final judgment separating the righteous from the wicked.

Separate the Wicked from the Righteous

Matthew 13:44-52 details
A design inspired by 1 Kings 3:5-12, illustrating Solomon’s request for wisdom, God’s favor in granting discernment, and the importance of seeking divine guidance for righteous leadership and justice.

Blessing of Solomon

1 Kings 3:5-12 details
A design inspired by Romans 8:28-30, illustrating God’s purpose and calling, the assurance of His sovereignty, and the believer’s journey from justification to glorification in Christ.

He Also Glorified

Romans 8:28-30 details
A design inspired by Romans 9:1-5, illustrating Paul’s sorrow for Israel, God’s covenant promises, and the fulfillment of His plan through Christ, who comes from Israel’s lineage as Lord over all.

Blessed Forever

Romans 9:1-5 details
A design inspired by Matthew 14:22-33, illustrating Jesus walking on water, Peter’s test of faith, and the call to trust in Christ’s power and presence even in life’s storms.

Why Did You Doubt

Matthew 14:22-33 details
A design inspired by 1 Kings 19:9-13, illustrating Elijah’s encounter with God in the gentle whisper, emphasizing divine revelation, spiritual renewal, and the importance of seeking and listening to God

A Tiny Sound

1 Kings 19:9-13 details
A design inspired by Isaiah 22:19-23, illustrating divine authority, the keys of leadership, and the secure foundation in God’s sovereign plan, foreshadowing Christ’s ultimate rule.

When He Opens

Isaiah 22:19-23 details
A design inspired by Romans 11:33-36, illustrating the depth of God’s wisdom, His divine sovereignty, and the call to worship and glorify Him for His unsearchable ways.

To Him be Glory Forever

Romans 11:33-36 details
A design inspired by Matthew 5:1-12, highlighting the blessings of humility, righteousness, and endurance, and the hope and renewal found in living according to the values of God’s kingdom.

Blessed are Those (The Beatitudes)

Matthew 5:1-12 details
A design inspired by Matthew 5:13-16, illustrating the call to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world, encouraging believers to live righteously and reflect God’s glory through their actions.

Salt of the Earth

Matthew 5:13-16 details
A design inspired by 1 Corinthians 2:1-5, focusing on the power of the Holy Spirit, humility in delivering God’s message, and the call to place faith in God’s strength rather than human wisdom.

Power of God

1 Corinthians 2:1-5 details
A design inspired by Sirach 15:15-20, highlighting the gift of free will, the call to righteous living, and the responsibility to choose obedience and moral integrity in alignment with God’s justice.


Sirach 15:15-20 details