The Ancient One
Daniel 7:9-14
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Daniel 7:9-14 presents a majestic vision of the Ancient of Days, symbolizing God’s eternal rule and divine authority. Seated on a fiery throne, surrounded by countless worshipers, He executes judgment with perfect wisdom and righteousness. This passage highlights God’s sovereignty, as He holds ultimate control over all creation, rendering judgment over the nations and the forces of evil.
In the second part of the vision, the Son of Man appears, coming on the clouds of heaven. God grants Him everlasting dominion, a kingdom that will never be destroyed. This passage is a prophetic foreshadowing of Jesus Christ, who refers to Himself as the Son of Man and fulfills this prophecy in His exaltation and second coming. The vision reassures believers of God’s ultimate plan, where Christ reigns supreme, receiving worship from all peoples, nations, and languages.