A design inspired by Daniel 7:9-14, illustrating the Ancient of Days on His fiery throne, the Son of Man receiving divine authority, and the establishment of God’s eternal and sovereign kingdom.

The Ancient One

Daniel 7:9-14 details
A design inspired by 2 Peter 1:16-19, illustrating the eyewitness testimony of Christ’s transfiguration, the fulfillment of prophecy, and the reliability of God’s Word as a guiding light in darkness.

My Son, My Beloved

2 Peter 1:16-19 details
A design inspired by Matthew 17:1-9, illustrating the Transfiguration of Jesus, His divine glory, and the fulfillment of prophecy, calling believers to recognize and obey Christ as God’s beloved Son.

Listen to Him

Matthew 17:1-9 details
Envisions Isaiah 2:1-5’s prophecy of peace and unity.

In Days to Come

Isaiah 2:1-5 details
Visualizes Paul’s call to spiritual readiness in Romans 13:11-14.

Armor of Light

Romans 13:11-14 details
A vibrant artwork inspired by Isaiah 60:1-6, celebrating the radiant glory and abundance bestowed upon those who rise and shine in faith.

Throb & Overflow

Isaiah 60:1-6 details